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RLC in the media

Amid growing concern about the increasing use of police strip-search powers in NSW, police powers solicitor Sam Lee spoke to the Guardian about documents obtained by RLC revealIng that officers routinely film searches while they are being conducted. Michael McGowan reports for The Guardian
Media releases

Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) supports the New South Wales Coroner’s call for NSW Police to release its strip search protocols, but says its own recent application under freedom of information seeking Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to guide police strip searches found no such materials.
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RLC in the media

The NSW coronial inquiry into six drug-related deaths at music festivals heard testimony last week regarding a police officer who threatened to make a strip search "nice and slow" unless a woman confessed to where her drugs were hidden. Paul Gregoire reports for Sydney Criminal Lawyers
Media releases

Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) is calling on the Deputy State Coroner Harriet Graham to refer any police officer that may have used a strip search as a form of intimidation or threat to the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) for investigation, and to the Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to assess whether a criminal prosecution, such as an assault charge, may apply.
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Strawberry Hills NSW 2012