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RLC in the media

Slater and Gordon and Redfern Legal Centre have filed proceedings in the Supreme Court of NSW against the state on behalf of people who were allegedly “invasively and unlawfully searched” by police at music festivals in recent years.
RLC in the Media: A close up shot of a typewriter having typed the word Headlines. The RLC logo appears above the text.

RLC and Slater and Gordon Lawyers have issued a class action proceeding for people who have been unlawfully searched by NSW Police at all music festivals in NSW since 22 July 2016.
Girl crowd surfing at music festival

RLC has filed a case in the Supreme Court of New South Wales representing plaintiffs who seek to challenge the validity of their COVID-19 fines.
Close up of Supreme Court sign

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012