Plans to expand NSW police powers would encourage officers to arrest people for spurious reasons and to hold them in custody even if they face only financial penalties, legal experts have warned.
The Redfern Legal Centre Police Powers Clinic, a University of New South Wales and RLC joint experiential learning program, commenced in August this year.
The High Court has reserved a decision on whether Aboriginality can be used as a defence in sentencing. The question has not been considered for the past 30 years, and the Court granted special leave to hear the case of William David Bugmy.
Redfern Legal Centre celebrated NAIDOC week this year by holding stalls at community events at the National Centre for Indigenous Excellence, the Aboriginal Medical Service and Wulla Mulla Family and Community Support Centre.
RLC regularly sees new clients who are the target of what would ordinarily be called police harassment. In NSW it is described as 'proactive policing'.