RLC is concerned that the voices of young people have been silenced following the announcement that the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) inquiry into strip searches on minors by NSW police has been cut short.
Justice advocates ask why government didn’t renew contract of head of LECC, who was holding high-profile and potentially embarrassing inquiry.
Michael McGowan reports for The Guardian Australia
Data published by The Guardian reveals that NSW police performed strip-searches on 344 boys in the last three years (2016-17 to 2018-19). Young boys aged (11 to 17 years) accounted for 3 per cent of searches (344).
Michael McGowan reports
A 22-year-old woman was allegedly strip searched in front of a shop window by two male police officers last month.
Ugur Nedim and Sonia Hickey report for Sydney Criminal Lawyers