Our Police Powers solicitor David Porter talks to Hack on triple j about the new laws in Queensland for the G20 which will restrict movement and behaviours including kite flying.
Plans to expand NSW police powers would encourage officers to arrest people for spurious reasons and to hold them in custody even if they face only financial penalties, legal experts have warned.
Spare Bedroom Tax refers to a Housing New South Wales policy that commenced in September 2013. This policy is aimed at addressing under-occupancy in public housing properties.
Peter was an elderly man and had lived in his Housing NSW home for eight years. The property was freshly painted when he first moved in but very soon water began to come through the air vent and bedroom walls.
In September 2013, Housing NSW sent out notices to public housing tenants to tell them that their rent is being increased. The increases are up to $300 per week. The increases apply only to tenants who pay market rent.
The Redfern Legal Centre Police Powers Clinic, a University of New South Wales and RLC joint experiential learning program, commenced in August this year.
RLC's Joanna Shulman and Natalie Bradshaw spoke with 7.30 NSW's Quentin Dempster on Friday, 27 September 2013 about Housing NSW properties in a bad state of disrepair.
Watch the full report here.
The Boarding Houses Act 2012 commenced in full on July 1, a long awaited change that will mean that boarding house residents are better protected in law.