Protesters who block access to major roads or infrastructure will face harsh new penalties under legislation passed through the NSW Parliament in April.
Forty civil society organisations have expressed alarm at reports of police overreach in preemptive policing of protest, with NSW police conducting covert surveillance and a raid on climate activists north of Sydney on Sunday.
Cases dismissed due to mental illness have almost doubled in the NSW Children’s Court and are rising in all courts, with 2900 cases discharged on mental health grounds last year.
Anglicare has released its 13th annual Rental Affordability Snapshot for 2022, measuring both the availability and affordability of rental housing in Greater Sydney and the Illawarra.
A NSW Police Officer has been found to have engaged in serious misconduct over the treatment of a 15-year-old Aboriginal boy, which included flicking his exposed nipple and making a turkey noise, whilst the boy was sedated.