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RLC stands with Tenants' Union of NSW and 70+ other housing and community organisations and housing researchers calling on National Cabinet to support renters stay in their homes and out of debt during the COVID-19 crisis.
An orange arch containing the text Redfern Legal Centre

Our December eBulletin looks at the devastating impact of public housing redevelopment on local communities.
Exterior shot of housing commission apartments against Sydney skyline, with a banner reading "Not For Sale" across rooftop

The Millers Point community was built up over generations and withstood many attempts at dispersal over the years, before being ripped apart by public housing redevelopment. Could this be happening again in Waterloo?
Two apartment blocks against blue sky

With the help of funding from the City of Sydney, Redfern Legal Centre has established an outreach service in the Waterloo community to provide legal advice to tenants about the proposed redevelopment of the Waterloo Public Housing Estate.
An orange arch containing the text Redfern Legal Centre

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012