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In October 2020, RLC police accountability solicitor Samatha Lee appeared before The Select Committee into the High Level of First Nations People in Custody and Oversight and Review of Deaths in Custody.
Three Aboriginal flags on a string - photo tinted orange
RLC in the media

Data obtained by RLC reveals that the majority of people issued with a $1000 COVID-19 fine in NSW have not paid, or can’t afford to pay, leading to calls for a means-tested system and review of police conduct. Anna Patty reports for the Sydney Morning Herald.
Unlawful Covid-19 fines

Redfern Legal Centre supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart as an important step forward for all Australians. It is time to embed a First Nations Voice in Australia’s Parliament. This is a priority, and we must progress without delay.
REd of speople stand smiling outside Redfern Legal Centre holding an Aboriginal flag
RLC in the media

The proposal to overhaul responsible lending obligations has been met with mixed reaction, with many welcoming its ability to speed up the flow of credit while others have warned against potential harm to consumers. Annie Kane reports for Mortgage Business
A small model house placed on top of bank notes spread out in fan formation

RLC has provided responses to the proposed suite of changes to Australia’s consumer credit framework contained in the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth).
money problems

Some reflections on NAIDOC Week 2020 from RLC's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Access Worker.
Aboriginal flag mural

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012