

192 results

Community legal centres have called on the federal government to protect migrant workers from visa cancellations during the COVID-19 crisis and urged businesses to rely on stand-down provisions rather than sack skilled employees.
An orange arch containing the text Redfern Legal Centre

A landmark report released by the Australian Human Rights Commission highlights the endemic nature of sexual harassment in Australian workplaces and the urgent need for law reform to protect workers.
Black words on a white background #MeToo

In December, Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) teamed up with leading financial and legal service providers to launch the first state-wide service in New South Wales addressing financial abuse in intimate partner relationships.
A woman with long brown hair stands at a pulpit with a blue Amex logo on it in front of a screen displaying a group of logos

On 14 November 2019, Alex Greenwich MP delivered a statement to the Legislative Assembly of the NSW Parliament highlighting the impact of communitiy legal centres, including the work of RLC and the Migrant Employment Legal Service.
Bound versions  of proceedings in the House of Representatives

© Redfern Legal Centre 1977 - 2022

Gadigal Land, PO Box 1805,
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012