The CESPHN Vax at Home Program is ONLY for those people who are housebound and not able to leave their home to receive a COVID-19 vaccination from their GP or a vaccination hub (carers will also be able to be vaccinated). The Program is being offered across Sydney Local Health District and South Eastern Local Health District.
Referrals for people who live in the Sydney Local Health District can be emailed to
Referrals for people who live in the South East Sydney Local Health District can be emailed to
Referrals should include :
- Name of patient
- Date of Birth
- Patients residential address and contact details
- Name of usual GP.
- Medicare details
- Contact details of any carers.
The service is now operational and accepting referrals. There may be some delays as they respond to demand.
For more information, please contact CESPHN:

Local Health Districts map: SESLHD is in blue, SLHD is in yellow.
Source: LHD Maps - Local health districts (