Your new policy to increase youth incarceration:
- is a betrayal of your Closing the Gap commitments
- ignores decades of evidence on how to reduce youth crime
- prioritises punishment over investment in the proven prevention strategies that you promised to implement
- will cause crime to get worse
- will delay measures that could reduce crime
This is a devastating betrayal of Aboriginal children and other vulnerable groups across NSW.
This is a devastating betrayal of regional communities who want prevention measures not stunts.
We the undersigned organisations ask you to urgently replace your punishment measures with prevention measures:
- Resources allocated for local communities to support after-school, evening and weekend activities that engage at-risk young people.
- Intensive and targeted programs and responses for at-risk children with appropriate referral services.
- Formal community partnerships between police and Aboriginal controlled services.
Signed by:
- Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) Limited
- NSW Aboriginal Land Council
- First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN)
- BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation
- AbSec - NSW Child, Family and Community Peak Aboriginal Corporation
- Link-Up NSW
- Aboriginal Culture, Heritage & Arts Association Inc (ACHAA)
- Justice Reform Initiative
- Redfern Legal Centre
- Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
- Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
- Community Legal Centres NSW
- Centre for Criminology Law and Justice UNSW
- NSW Council for Civil Liberties
- Weave Youth & Community Services
- Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation
- The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre
- KWOOP (Keeping Women Out Of Prison)
- Inner City Legal Centre
- Sisters Inside Inc
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre
- National Justice Project
- Nelly’s Healing Centre Aboriginal Corporation
- Amnesty International Australia
- Deadly Connections
- Dharriwaa Elders Group
- University of Technology Sydney Faculty of Law (Criminal Justice Cluster)
- Ngalaya Indigenous Corporation: First Nations Lawyers and Law Students NSW
- Central Coast Community Legal Centre
- Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies
- Matana Foundation for Young People
- Accountable Futures Collective
- Western Sydney University Justice Clinic
- Human Rights Law Centre
- The Refugee Advice and Casework Service
- Australian Lawyers Alliance
- Kingsford Legal Centre (UNSW)
- knowmore
- Central Tablelands and Blue Mountains Community Legal Centre
- Community Restorative Centre
- Women's Legal Centre NSW
- Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre
- North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA)
- Sydney Institute of Criminology
- Human Rights Act for NSW Alliance
- Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia Limited
- The Rainbow Lodge Program
- The Far West Community Legal Centre
- BackTrack Youthworks
- Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of NSW (AH&MRC)
- Humanity Matters
- Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service
- Reconciliation NSW
- Change the Record
- ARACY - Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth
- Save the Children and 54 reasons
- Australian Centre for Disability Law
- Allawaw Aboriginal Corporation