53 resultsLegal self-help
Separation can be a very difficult decision. However, once the decision has been made to separate, this factsheet contains practical steps that may help to make separation smoother.
Legal self-help
This factsheet looks at how property is divided when a person separates from their partner or spouse.
Papers and submissions
EARG believes the criminalisation of coercive control won’t necessarily achieve better outcomes for victim-survivors.
Papers and submissions
In March 2021, members of the Economic Reference Group NSW (EARG NSW), appeared before a NSW Parliamentary inquiry into coercive control.
Papers and submissions
RLC's submissions to the Senate Inquiry into consumer credit reforms.
Legal self-help
This video highlights the story of a financial abuse survivor and details the partnerships underpinning RLC's state-wide service financial abuse service.
Legal self-help
Have you or a friend experienced domestic violence? You might be feeling confused because you never thought this would happen to you.
Papers and submissions
Strangulation is one of the most common and most lethal forms of domestic violence. It is also an act that is highly predictive of future homicide.
Papers and submissions
RLC recommends the introduction of domestic violence specialist courts (or specialist court list days), to ensure better outcomes for victims through specialist training and collaborative practices between the court.
Papers and submissions
This bulletin focuses on RLC's Credit, Debt & Consumer Law Service.